credit card debt

Consumer Credit Card Debt

We are constantly researching economic conditions to find information that could be valuable for you. Being an Informed Lender means being committed to thoroughly educating our clients. The topic of …

FICO 2 vs FICO 8

Mortgage lenders may choose to use the FICO 2 scoring model instead of FICO 8 for several reasons. Firstly, FICO 2 is specifically tailored for the mortgage industry, making it …

Marry the House. Date the Rate.

Your mortgage interest rate is not a lifelong commitment because it’s subject to change based on market conditions and your financial circumstances. When you close on your home, you secure …

APR and Teaser Rates

The Annualized Percentage Rate (APR) includes both the interest rate and various loan costs, such as closing costs and other expenses. For instance, if a borrower secures a 6% interest …

What are Discount Points?

Today I want to talk to you a little bit about loan discount points. A loan discount point in mortgages is going to be roughly 1% of the amount that …